Sunday, November 29, 2009

Why Use Social Media For Your Business’ Global Market

In the age of globalization when the world market is no longer that hard to reach out, having a business which could have a global market has a lot of advantages. Today’s social media is a new tool to make that deal even easier. You don’t need to invest so much on global advertising via costly conventional means. Instead, you just need to have an internet connection and a website and your business is on the go.

Take a look at the following data bits could convince you why use social media as am global advertising tool for your business:
  1. Roughly 80 million people in US alone used social networks.
  2. Around 70% of the world’s internet users visit social networks for referrals.
  3. Social media sites are on the rank 4 among the Most Popular Online Activity and will likely be the No. 1 in succeeding years – even more popular than personal email.
  4. Estimated 15% people trust ads, and 75% people trust consumer recommendations.
  5. Social media provides more traffic than SEO, more affordable than PPC, with viral property to spread information across time, and gives higher conversion rate.
  • Source: Nielsen, Global Faces & Networked Places
Haven’t convinced yet? The very reason why social media has a higher success rate for business application is that in conforms to word of mouth (WOM) communication model which is also applied in common networking business. The only difference is that it is done online using social network’s friend-of-a-friend (FOAF) strategy. Consumer recommendations alone could give other consumer a higher degree of confidence towards a particular product being endorsed, especially referrals from people they already knew. So set up your social networking accounts via Facebook, MySpace, LinkedIn, and Friendster now and start your effective social media internet marketing campaign in no time.


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